Friday, August 31, 2012

I'm too old for this- Easy like Sunday mornin'

Here we are again another late night with an early morning to start.  I had tweeted earlier 'What stage can say they've had a live tv shoot, a soft rock band and a funk, pop band all in 12 hours?  Chevy Court can!"  Both bands today decided they needed to start at 8AM to be able to get everything done for their shows.  All of this going on while the TV shoot was setup and ready to air.  There were minimal fights and seemed that everyone was playing nice.  Both bands had someone advance the show prior and then had a different person in the road manager position with us on site.  Commodores had pyro that we had to jump through hoops all day to make happen.  It has definitely added to the show but a complete pain in the rear!

Can we fit anything else on this stage?

Christopher Cross was our 2:00PM star.  Can't say I've ever heard of him but his show was filled with soft rock hits. Perfect for the afternoon show.  They had a huge setup which had to sit in front of the Commodores upstage gear.  While they were supposed to play 60mins they ended up doing 90 which threw off the entire afternoon.  Speculation was made that maybe they played longer because Commodores impeded on their setup time.  Either way, I didn't have a happy road manager on my hands.  Fortunately, a little southern accent and a smile and he backed right down.  We worked through it and had the runs set so the stage would be ready and the band  and stars would make it through the gate before it closed at 5:30 for the parade.  I told him they WILL be here if they are in the car by 5:00PM.  Sure enough they are ready to go by 5:08 and are surly going to hit traffic with 17,000+ coming in for the Jason Aldean concert in the grandstand.  Another driver came in and said the backway was bogged down with traffic.  I immediately tracked down the Sgt. Trooper and we put together a plan to get the car through traffic and in the gate before they closed.  Whew!  I would have had an extremely unhappy band outside the gate (having to wait 45mins for it to open) and a furious manager on the inside.  I was bound and determined to get them in.  Thankfully the teamwork was superb.  We got them in and the fun began.  Two of the Commodores stood out at the desk and talked with us for close to an hour.  They were poking fun at each other and us, of course we threw it right back.  Great guys!  I was even thanked during the DJ intro tonight "The fine lady backstage told me that there should be no professional photography or video taping tonight."  Oh yay, how flattering! They start off the show with a bang..literally.  A waterfall of sparks from the middle of the stage and the guys walk through it.  The quiet one that didn't mingle with us was walking to slow and had to walk straight through it.  The show has gone non-stop with hits but these guys are all over the stage.  It's the full show, total entertainment!  The guys came off stage and immediately thanked everyone for helping during the day and "taking such good care of them". 

The rest of the weekend should be smooth sailing.  We're just praying Issac doesn't decide to throw us for a loop.  Looks like possible rain Monday. 

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