Saturday, August 18, 2012

All my rowdy friends are coming over tonight....

Well not really, my hotel room is certainly not big enough to hold all of my rowdy friends, especially here in Iowa.  Last night was definitely proof of that.  Pranks are so funny when the victim is totally off base on who to suspect.  :)

Today we had Hank Williams, Jr and George Thorogood.  Turned out to be a pretty easy day!  They ended up getting here an hour late because they were coming from the KY State Fair which is about a 10 hour hike.  They were great to work with and very nice.  You might ask, well how was Hank?  I wouldn't know.  His plane landed at 8PM, was on grounds by 8:30PM.  He went straight on his bus and came off for 15mins to do a meet and greet with 30 people, back on for about 10 and then to the stage.  Did a 90min show came off, got in the truck and went to the airport.  I can handle days like that.  Unfortunately, it stresses out the management when he's finally on site.  He wasn't happy he didn't have a police escort from the airport.  But then again I'm not happy I can't fly private.  We're even. 

George's show was great.  He definitely still has the voice and the show.   Hank was off key half the time but I'm pretty sure everyone in the crowd was too drunk too notice.  They sold over 90 kegs tonight for 8,400 people.  Which I guess when you think about it isn't very much.  They really enjoyed the show and singing along. 
George Thorogood

The best quote said all day was "I'm glad Obama wasn't here today.  I really wouldn't have wanted to deal with Hank."

I didn't take any photos of Hank...I spent my time watching the show in video world where I could hear myself think and not have to shout to talk. 

Journey wrapped up at Kentucky is heading our way.  Watch out Des Moines!

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