Monday, August 27, 2012

Big Band-Joy to the World

Jeremiah was a bullfrog....that's what's playing on my tv right now, but it just so happens to be a live feed from Three Dog Night on the stage.  We had these guys here last year and what a repeat!

I started the day off right with 8.5 hours of sleep and a 2.5mile run.  Amazing!  Now that I've been at work for almost 12hours I'm finally getting my 2nd wind.  The late mornings are always a good/bad thing.  Good because I actually get sleep and can workout but bad because I get here and the time just flies by.  Before I knew it I looked at the clock and it was 1:30pm but felt like 9am. 

We had the Buddy Rich Band for the 2PM show.  I wasn't familiar with Buddy Rich or the Band but was shocked when I saw the first folks to walk through the door.  Apparently Buddy's daughter is the lead for the band.  They have a great jazz sound.  The daughter and what may have been her son maybe were totally punked out with spiked, dyed hair and completely not what you would expect with a jazz band but it worked!  They were great to work with.  However, we had what seemed like an entire orchestra in our tiny dressing room area warming up all morning.  I couldn't hear myself think and my ears having been ringing since.  As most of the afternoon bands, they blew in and blew out. 

Three Dog Night arrived and they were very familiar with the setup and what we have to work with.  These guys are complete pros and just get the job done.  That makes my day so much easier.  I was able to work on the next few days and even go walk around one of the buildings with all the booths with junk for sale.  We had the threat of rain from about 4PM on.  I walk across the street, walk into the building and it starts pouring.  After pouring down about 30mins it calmed down to a sprinkle and stayed that way up until showtime.  Of course with rain people wonder if the show will still go on.  You better bet it will!  As long as the stage is dry and the equipment is ok (no lightning, no downpours and risk of electrocution) the show will go on.  So we started the show and the guys flew their hits in 90mins.  Had the weather been good I was expecting a pretty decent crowd.  Once it started raining everyone figured the crowd wouldn't show.  Boy were we wrong!  They packed in 10,000 people!  Completely unbelievable!  I'm looking forward to working with these guys again in Lubbock.  It should be another fun time.  But for now we're gearing up for another long day.  8AM call in the morning but i have to be here at 7AM.  Geez!

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