Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Candy Girl-Shine

Today turned out to be somewhat of an early day.  The 8PM band thought they needed six whole hours to set up so they wanted an 8AM load in.  Ugh, I was dragging through the door at 7:15AM.  They setup, pitched their fits and then were back on the bus after 3.5 hours of work and being just about setup.  The point of coming in early was pointless.  Midtown Men arrived for their 2:00PM show, loaded in, hung out with us and warmed up in the dressing rooms.  Who are the Midtown Men you say?  Google them.  They're awesome.  They are the original 4 cast members of 'The Jersey Boys'.  They bring the 60's back and make it hot!  Their show is extremely entergetic and entertaining.  This is the second year in a row we've brought them to Chevy and they've packed them in each time.  Of couse it works well for 'Senior Day' but the Chevy Court staff were all up at the stage watching the show and the average age is 30! 
Midtown Men- Bringing on the show from the side of the stage

Once Midtown Men were finished, Collective Soul started miandering around the stage again.  They linechecked within 30mins and were twidling their thumbs.  About this time I was getting a jump start on the last leg of my advances and schedules, working out those last minute details.  I think we're pretty much set.  We're half way through the fair..6 Days to go!  I was actually excited for Collective Soul.  I guess they were a little before my time and I was being exposed to 'country' music at that time instead of the pop rock.  There was one guy wandering around throughout the day.  He'd walk in, crack a joke and leave.  But he actually came to me and said "thanks so much for today.  You guys have taken such good care of us, I appreciate it."  Then as we're getting ready for the show I see that he's part of the band.  Then it was explained with the fact that he's a fill in.  No wonder he wasn't grumpy like the others.  :) 
They had a decent crowd but I only recognized two songs and it happens that one was a Goo Goo Dolls song.  Just not really impressed.  But they were the typical rock show, on 5 mins late, off 5 mins early.  So now they're having a party with their guests outside and I'm about ready to kick them out of the building and push them on their bus. 
Collective Soul from front of house (FOH)

So excited about tomorrow with Guy Fieri!  Victoria Justice, let's just say I have the earplugs ready for the screaming kids. 

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