Monday, August 13, 2012

Gunpowder and Lead

Let me say I'm completely thrilled that we finally had a big show!  I have loved the past three days but nothing gets me more motivated that having to take 4 trips to the administration building, 15 trips to the stage, dealing with idiots having to sneak in and having to put working passes on all of the employees.  It might sound like I'm being facetious but I'm really not!  While bigger shows bring slightly larger headaches, they're only challenges.  We work through them and move on to the next one.  Miranda Lambert has one of the best crews hands down.  From the advance to the end of the day they were all phenomenal to work with.  I'm sure these guys could flip their lid if you gave a reason but fortunately they were all calm, cooperative and are pros.  They were cutting up and laughing all day and just making the best of it. 

Miranda LOVES to be close to her fans and has a ego ramp to prove it.  As we're discussing security around it I tell the head of security he needs to hire midgets for this situation.  Of course I'm corrected that it's little people.  I myself say vertically challenged is even more politically correct.  You'll never imagine how many times you can sneak that in to a conversation.  It was definitely put to the test today.  As I'm standing at the front of house platform I see a rubber chicken catapulting through the air towards my face.  Didn't quite make the catch.  That darn chicken was more entertaining that the stage at some points.  Those guys just know how to have fun. 

Who else would have a camo tour bus than ML?

Everyone finds fun in the rain

Probably the worst part of the day was, of course, right at showtime.  It had been threatening to rain all day.  A little sprinkle this morning but nothing much.  30 minutes before RaeLynn is supposed to take the stage and we're trying to get the meet and greet started it starts pouring.  Seriously!?!  It's hardly rained here for a month and it chooses right before our show to downpour.  I already mentioned that the crew was pro right?  Well let me throw in there that the entertainers are as well.  There was no fluff about going on stage.  There were right on it.  RaeLynn was up on the stage in her cute little black crinoline skirt.  She is just cute as a button and sweet as can be!  We got her on stage and got the show rolling.  The fans that were covered loved it.  Most of those that were on the track decided to stay covered until the main act.  It's just rain people!  Shoot, I was soaked from head to toe, my jeans looked like leggings (sorry for everyone that had to witness that!), I was still enjoying the show and I didn't even pay for it.  While I was making sure the emcees got on and off stage the meet and greet was moving right along.  A quick change up and we had shifted the location from outside to inside and all was good.  RaeLynn's entire set was through the rain.  While she wasn't getting wet, it sure was cold!  Then Miranda gets up and the sky magically clear up.  It was a great show, good lighting, entertaining and even better with the special appearances with Pistol Annies and RaeLynn came back on and sang a song with her.  With over 8,300 in the stands hearing their screams and claps is what it's all about.  I know how the energy feeds the entertainers but it also feeds the rest of us.  There's nothing better than looking out and seeing a full grandstand of people and knowing all the hard work has been worth it.  However, now that I'm sitting here writing this, waiting for the buses to roll out, I'm looking forward to my day off tomorrow.  A 14.5 hour day will get the best of anyone!

The Band Perry and Easton Corbin on Tuesday!  Can't wait!!

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