Saturday, August 11, 2012

We're Happy Togethhhheeerr

Unfortunately, the title of this blog was the only song I knew tonight.  We had a great show with the 'Happy Together Tour' feat. The Buckinghams, The Grass Roots, Mickey DOLENZ, The Turtles and Gary Puckett.  I'll admit I wasn't all jazzed about watching the show.  I ended up watching about a song and a half of the Turtles.  So yes, I may have known more songs but it wouldn't have been many.  Today was one of those days of 'um..who is that one?'. 
The Turtles

Since the crew was arrival a little later in the morning I was able to get up and run before coming in.  I can already tell a difference that this is making.  I'm truly hoping I'm able to keep this up for the full run of the summer. 
Side note- I got "home" last night and to my surprise they had changed the comforters that were on the beds AND added padded tops to the mattresses.  So it was like a whole different room and didn't quite feel like I was sleeping on a sheet of plywood!  I was ecstatic, which is actually sad, but it is the small things!  Of course then I wake up this morning, here the shower going in the room above me and realize the ceiling is leaking above the shower.  Oh yippee!  This hotel has not been on my good list for several years.  The past two years we've had issues with mold, staff, etc.  Fortunately, the desk clerk seemed very concerned and was going to have it checked out right away.  We'll see I come back to tonight. 
Back on track-  The crew and band arrive at the grounds and the "stars" eventually start trickling in.  Unfortunately, one of the group's flight was cancelled (ring a bell from last night?) but they rented a car and made it in.  The day was just as smooth as can be.  They use one band for all five acts.  It's a seamless show that just rolls from one act to the next.  Mickey was definitely the most popular.  He received 3 separate gifts this afternoon.  T-shirts, wine (almost took that), cookies (almost took that too :) ), I almost thought Des Moines was his hometown!  And then we get a 15ft banner that someone had created with caricatures of each of the groups.  The crew proudly displayed on their bus for all of the groups to see.  I ended up catching up on a TON of work.  I finally made it through all of my emails since Monday! haha

But of course the day wouldn't be complete without a minor hiccup.  Turns out one of the bands I had booked on a free stage and only played for 30mins.  They were contracted for 75-90mins.  Apparently they weren't told how long to play so they played their normal set.  Fortunately, I was able to speak with the agent and tour manager.  It sounds like everyone is green and just didn't cover their bases and made assumptions.  Something they will hopefully learn from and I'm letting them stew on that for the night. 

Tomorrow we have Larry the Cable Guy and I'm so excited!  My day will consist of, getting up and running, coming to the fair to be a fair goer and I don't have to be at work until about 3:00PM!  So I'll definitely be getting some work done tomorrow and hopefully getting further ahead.  Saturday, what?!?

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