Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Uno, Dos, Tres

I didn't know and couldn't understand the music tonight so I couldn't come up with a proper headline given song name.  It was Tejano music night.  This night is always huge with the Hispanic community.  A popular, local radio station books the bands so I go into 'building manager' and 'firefighter' mode.  Since I haven't talked with the bands up front I let the rep from the station take the lead.  If there's a big problem I can step in and help but usually I just take care of the building, staffing, etc. 

I ended up getting to the fairgrounds early to knock out some work that I haven't gotten done until now.  Unfortunately, I only got to about half of that.  LOL  Tomorrow, tomorrow!  I'm now caught up on all of the shows and schedules and advances are finished.  Tomorrow we have a comedian, James Gregory.  We aren't loading in until 4:30p so I'll have the day to spend on catch up.  Thursday, Friday and Saturday are going to be big crowds. 

Fortunately, on day's like this I can do some things that I don't usually have time to do.  My friend, Jesse and I went out and explored the fair.  We watched one of the grounds acts, Matt's Family Jam.  It's a family of 5, parents and their three kids, that perform songs that everyone knows and can sing along with.  They even have little drums and hula hoops in front of the stage for a little play zone.  Of course that's where Mark, Jesse and I ended up.  Let's just say we were extremely entertaining trying to hula hoop!  I also got to ride the Ferris Wheel with my little buddies the Wallace twins.  I HATE carnival rides and heights but the Ferris Wheel is the only thing that I trust enough to ride and that's a stretch.  They just couldn't understand why I didn't want them swinging the cart or turning around on their knees to wave to Mom and Dad in the cart behind us.  I was petrified they were going to fall out.  Fortunately, it didn't go as fast as it looked from the outside and it was over sooner than later. =)  No,  you're not going to catch me on the swings or anything that goes upside down. 
Will, Tiffany and I

I think I might actually make it home before 11P.  Thankfully, because I've had a migraine for three hours now that is just plain annoying!

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