Just wanted to slip a bit about my exciting Sunday in here. I had the day off so I had found that a marathon/half-marathon was going on on my day off, Sunday. I thought 'why not'?! So Sunday I woke up walked out the hotel door and within in a block I was at the starting line. I had no expectations but was hoping to finish in under 3:00hours. My last and best time was 3:25 with the Derby Mini in April. I ran the first two miles and then started a walk/run but ended up running most of it. I finished in 2:54!! I was so excited about this time and that I finally proved to myself that I can do it. They had promoted the course as a flat course. Given Lubbock is only 13miles wide, we basically could have walked from one side to the other. However, they ran us through the parks and canyons so it was anything but flat. I ended up counting 9 hills. Three of which I stood at the bottom thinking "you have to be kidding!". All in all it was a great time and I hope to make that a tradition if they continue to have it.
'Thumbs Up for Lane!'
So today I was holding my breath. Last year we had Easton Corbin scheduled for this day he fell ill and wasn't able to make the show. We replaced him with Sawyer Brown two days before the date. When I woke up this morning I was hoping for the best. Unfortunately, their crew bus broke down in Tuscon last night but they were able to switch the bus out for a new one and make it here only an hour late. So I contacted the production company, labor crew and runner and pushed everything back. Then rearranged their lunch order and coordinated that. Then received a text from the tour manager saying that he needed to run to Walmart to make sure Easton's new CD was on the shelve and in a particular spot (rules from management) but because they were late he was asking me to do it. Fortunately, I was already running there and just swung through the music section, snapped a photo and was off. It was a busy day with situating the house to meet their needs; expanding backstage, finding a Texas flag for the stage, etc. etc. I had to get a last minute interview for the news station approved and then coordinate getting Easton to their location. Unfortunately it landed right when I was supposed to be training the ticket taking staff and opening doors. So I trained in 3mins, had security situated before I left, ran him to the interview and back and then made it to open doors with 5mins to spare. WHEW! Glad everything ran on time and fell into place. We had over 3,600 in the house for the show. A great, great show. This guy has all the factors and is definitely going to go places! He's an absolute sweetheart (has his quirks, but don't we all), handsome, personality, and has that old country voice mixed with new country song writing and star power. I look forward to see how far he can go. His crew is A+ too. I look forward to working with these guys again and again.

Remember how I talk about my families on the road? This is one of them! The goofy one in the red is actually Mark Sparks, Vice President of Triangle Talent and he runs the "goofy" department with our specialty acts. The rest of the bunch are the Wallace's. Ricky, Jennifer and the twins, Tiff and Will. The kids are just precious and it's been great watching them grow over the past 5 years. They call me the 'candy lady' because I always have candy in my little 'house', my office, the shack behind them. How can you not love those little faces!!
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