Saturday, September 29, 2012

The title which should remain un-named

There is not a title of a song that I knew would be appropriate for this.  There's only two songs of the artist that I know the title of and well, they aren't appropriate songs. 

Today started out being a dreary day with overcast skies and drizzle here and there.  Once we hit mid evening the crowds were light, the temps were dropping and it was just wet.  We had our largest, most talked about concert tonight, Ginuwine, so we knew they would come out.  They sure did.  Over 4,000 packed the coliseum and they didn't care who you were, they were going where they wanted to.  I've never been cussed or given the evil eye as much as I have tonight by a crowd.  The crew was great.  The show consisted of Ginuwine, two back up vocalists and a DJ on stage.  They were all a pleasure to work with, welcomed compromise and were more worried about how I was doing.  We had originally talked about the show being 45mins.  I asked the tour manager if they could lengthen it.  He said sure we can do 90mins if you want.  Sure! Why not give them what they paid for.  I should have left it at 45min.  The extra 45mins was him gyrating on stage, cracking up amongst each other and lead to a very loose show.  That was on stage. 

Off stage the crowd inched closer and closer to the stage, filling the aisle and the gap between the stage and the front row.  Several of us ended up having to work security because we just couldn't keep them back.  Of course he encouraged it by jumping up on the speakers to "get closer" to the folks upstairs, throwing t-shirts, towels and roses.  It didn't help that toward the end he striped his shirt, pulled his pants to the "thug" position.  What made me laugh the most was as I was keeping about 50 people in place a little girl, maybe 10 years old comes up with her mom and little brother.  She starts singing one of his most popular songs that is explicitly, in between the lines about sex.  She has no clue what she's singing.  He says 'who all is single?'  and she raises her hand up and screams.  The mom reaches behind her, pulls her hand down and says 'he's not talking to you'.  I look at her like "you're the one that brought her here". 

To sum it all up there were three fights in front of the stage immediately after the show ends.  Of course they were fighting over the shirts.  It got so bad the tour manager picked up a mic and says "ya'll stop acting like fools, this ain't no rap concert".  Funny, they didn't listen to him either. 

Then they do an hour of taking photos with him that they charge $20 but then print them all out making everyone wait like an hour for their photo.  I told the guy in charge I'd pay $20 not to have to wait in that line and print it offline later. 

While it was a huge crowd and Ginuwine's first time to Lubbock, he loved it and wants to come back.  Let's wait a few years on that!

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