Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dark, Dark even Darker Day

The past few days in Lubbock have been dark and dreary but the lights of the carnival, the sounds of kids screaming, and the stages of entertainment have kept the excitement going at the fair.  The sun tried really, really hard to come out today.  While it would be cloudy and misting one minutes the next it would be hot and sunny.  I could have gotten a workout just putting on and taking off my jacket. 

With it being the last day of the fair I spent the afternoon cleaning out my office, organizing leftover supplies and preparing for the last show of the 2012 South Plains Fair.  Today we have 'My Darkest Days' a hard rock group.  You know, the different colored haired mullets, skinny jeans, piercings and tattoos.  Funny thing is usually these groups are the nicest, more polite and their crowds are typically well tamed.  There will be the odd balls that have fans that like to mosh pit.  I started off the day by telling them about the area in front of the stage.  He said no problem at all.  Then HE proceeds to ask ME "I assume we're doing a non-profanity show here?"  I said "yes, if we can scaled it down a bit".  He said "no, there are two rules.  Everything goes or nothing goes."  We'll have PG-13, family friendly show for you.  That's how I knew the day and show was going to go well.  I've never worked with these guys, don't really listen to their music but I hope to work with them again.  They've been such a pleasure and the show really is half bad.  'Cept the lead singer sounds like a banshee every other verse.  I'm assuming that's normal.  :)

I'll be getting on a jet plane tomorrow morning and ending the last leg of the 2012 Mud and Dust Tour.  It has been a wild and crazy ride!  Thanks to everyone that has read the blog and I hope it's been an intriguing read.  You might think 'what is she going to do now?'.  Believe it or not, we're already booking for 2013.  When I get home I'll be preparing for two corporate shows at the end of October, Vegas for Fair Convention in November, Iowa for a fair convention in December and then I have the pleasure of going back to the South Florida Fair again this year in January.  I'll be ready for it by then. :)

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