What a fantastic way to end the 2013 Mud and Dust Tour! We had rocker group, Adelitas Way to wrap up the concerts at the South Plains Fair today. This group of guys was fabulous to work with. Each of them was laid back and so sweet. They came in did their soundcheck, played around on stage for a bit and then just chilled the rest of the afternoon. They were all so laid back that seeing them rockin' out on stage was almost a shock. We went over all the particulars prior to the show...don't call anyone down to the front of the stage, no you can't say curse words- PG13 show boys, and so on.
We were possibly expecting some pretty bad storms to hit about half way through their show. They were predicting 60MPH straight line winds, hail, rain and of course good ole lightning. Not what you want when you have thousands of people walking around large, metal lightning rods otherwise known as carnival rides. So if this were to hit as hard as they were thinking we had to be prepared to use the coliseum (where the concerts take place) as a shelter for those outside the venue. Which would mean we have to shut the show down and pull up all the house lights. I talked with everyone, the band, the production crew, the ticket takers and security and told them the plan. The band was so bummed. They really were enjoying playing a big venue with amazing production and didn't want anything "rain on their parade". Sorry for the pun.
Since we had the possibility for this to come up pretty quick I stayed in the venue the entire night. Actually, I ended up watching most of the show. These guys are truly entertainers! The lead guitar player would come off stage, make his way up into the side balconies and play for the crowds there. The fans were loving it and actually behaved. The was one song in the show that the lead singer and second guitar player were the only ones on stage, playing a slower song. The lead guitar player went into the balcony, quietly, sat down and other than the twenty people around him...no one knew he was there. Security even walked right past him. There was one little girl that was totally enamoured with him. Sat next to him for a picture and even came back and made the lady sitting next to him move so she could squeeze back in.
You can tell that these guys know who supports them, the FANS. The drummer breaks probably 15 sticks during the show and the singer hands them out. He picks out kids to hand them out to. Then he asks that all the parents that have brought kids to the show and it's their first show to bring them down. He makes it a point to say, "don't fill in the area in front of the stage, we can't do that. But we're thrilled that you pick us for their first concert!". They then spent over an hour signing for their fans after the show. If you haven't heard their music, check it out!
Couldn't miss the opportunity for a photo op with two of my favorite kids! These little ones are those of the fair manager's awesome assistant. They get to come out to the fair almost every night and hang out with me. Although, I think it's more for the candy! :)
I love all my fair families across the country! I'm sure going to miss them until we start this party all over again in 2014! That party will be starting a little earlier this year with a WINTER leg of the Mud and Dust Tour....now what should I name that one?? Hint: they're both in FL
This blog will be used to share with family and friends my experiences within my career and personal triumphs. Everyone loves concerts right? Well, how many folks get to work behind the scenes? I'll share my journey through a little bit of fun, work, and personal experiences.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
What a day! I think this was my day for walking. I walked back and forth between the gates and coliseum probably 5 times tonight. So before the show even started I was drained. You know how everyone says communication is key? Well tonight it certainly was...it showed that without communication the ball is DROPPED. We were running on all cylinders just trying to get information from the band. Fortunately it all started trickling in bit by bit last night as to when we would be picking folks up from the airport, for the day of the show and lastly as they were leaving tonight what time they needed to go to the airport in the morning. The day didn't start until later at the fair but I took some time to have lunch with another client. Once the band started coming in we picked up speed. Then once the sound check was complete, along with Brandy (yes, the R&B, Moesha Brandy) they went back to the hotel for a bit giving us some down time and me time to prepare their dressing rooms. Tea setup, drinks, chips and candy in her dressing room. Chips, candy and sodas for the boys in theirs.
The band made it back on site 45 mins before show time. Brandy however didn't roll up until 15mins before showtime. Which is fine because her fans were stragglers as well. We held the show 5mins because there was a large group of people trying to enter right at show time. Go figure! Three songs into her show she calls the entire crowd on the floor (about 900 people) to move down closer to the stage. They filled in a large gap in front of the stage that the fire marshals require. Fortunately, we didn't have one in the house or we could have quite frankly been shut down. People were on chairs, standing on the rails of the second floor and having a really great time. Security did a phenomenal job at just keep everyone as safe as possible and not letting anyone jump on the stage. Unfortunately, the heat and close quarters typically brings fights. And that it did. Security was booting out those that were cat fights as well as guys with scratches across their face. I'm still trying to figure out if it wasn't just one big brawl. You could tell that Brandy was loving it. Especially when she played one extra song. As soon as she walked off the stand and into her dressing room, she was back out to her car just as fast. She jumped in the car and sat waiting for the rest of her entourage as the fans just stood back away snapping pictures.
The cleaning crew is going to have a great time tonight...the house was an absolute mess with all of the spilled drinks and trash left on the floor. Keep it trashy Lubbock!
The band made it back on site 45 mins before show time. Brandy however didn't roll up until 15mins before showtime. Which is fine because her fans were stragglers as well. We held the show 5mins because there was a large group of people trying to enter right at show time. Go figure! Three songs into her show she calls the entire crowd on the floor (about 900 people) to move down closer to the stage. They filled in a large gap in front of the stage that the fire marshals require. Fortunately, we didn't have one in the house or we could have quite frankly been shut down. People were on chairs, standing on the rails of the second floor and having a really great time. Security did a phenomenal job at just keep everyone as safe as possible and not letting anyone jump on the stage. Unfortunately, the heat and close quarters typically brings fights. And that it did. Security was booting out those that were cat fights as well as guys with scratches across their face. I'm still trying to figure out if it wasn't just one big brawl. You could tell that Brandy was loving it. Especially when she played one extra song. As soon as she walked off the stand and into her dressing room, she was back out to her car just as fast. She jumped in the car and sat waiting for the rest of her entourage as the fans just stood back away snapping pictures.
The cleaning crew is going to have a great time tonight...the house was an absolute mess with all of the spilled drinks and trash left on the floor. Keep it trashy Lubbock!
Brandy's bedazzled mic |
Collage of the show |
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Quiet Riot and the inside view of my office
Today was a really good day. We actually had some down time that seriously threw me off my game. The band, Quiet Riot was fantastic to work with. The band disbanded several years ago when their lead singer died. The only somewhat "original" member put it back together in a few years ago and they've been going strong ever since. It's definitely a LOUD show but several recognizable songs. For me to enjoy a heavy metal rock show means something. If it hadn't have been so loud I would have watched the entire show.
These guys were extremely low maintenance and yes are still rocking the long, 80's hair. Accompanied by an amazing light show they rocked the house. The fans that were here really enjoyed it. There's one young kid I know is going to be hurting tomorrow with all the head banging he was doing. The people that weren't here really missed out.
Quiet Riot! |
Some of you may wonder, what does Sara work in while she's on the road? Ok, I'm sure it's probably never came to mind. However, I thought I'd give you the behind the scenes of my office at the South Plains Fair. The venue we work in should be a historic building by now. Elvis and Buddy Holly performed here! There are two dressing rooms in the building but no other additional offices in the backstage area. So they cleverly put a outdoor shed in the parking lot about 125' from the building. I've got RVs on either side that some of the folks that do the grounds shows (including the person that oversees that, aka Junior Fair Manager, Sparky) stay in. The shed is equipped with lights, air/heat, freezer (for ice for the bands and to store the awesome homemade ice cream our runner, Jan brings), fridge (for my cokes and adult beverages for after show) and as always becomes the location to stash EVERYTHING. The back table looks like a SAMs club threw up on it my "desk" looks like it's in complete disarray with candy, etc thrown all over it. Now it's check in/out central for all of the employees that we have working during the shows. So their time clock is in here too. Every year I pick all the necessary items that we can use from year to year and stash it in the little storage/attic area of the shed and pull it all down the next year.
Here are a few photos to give you idea of what production central looks like in Lubbock.
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Sparky caught me working by computer/iPhone/candlelight when it got dark while I was working |
Couch :) (backseat of the van) |
Cute little porch that we can drink wine on |
Desk/storage including Sparky's mountain bike. The grill was used today so it's not in here right now. |
Last night Sparky hosted a production meeting/potluck after everyone's shows. Ricco was intrigued with the golf cart key. Good thing I was watching the pedals!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Tommy James & The Shondells/Lee Brice
I can't believe it. I forgot to blog about our first show at the South Plains Fair (Lubbock, TX) on Saturday. We had a great day on Friday setting up for the shows. The fair hired a new production company to bring in sound, lights and the like. Change is always a little unsettling. But this change has turned out to be amazing. This company has been a dream to work with. Great equipment, they love what they do and most of all they are completely organized and friendly! Holding my breath til the end but so far it has been smooth sailing!
We kicked off the fair with Tommy James and the Shondells. Honestly, I wasn't familiar with the band or their music before the show. After is another story. They had hits like Mony Mony, Hanky Panky, I Think We're Alone Now and about 40years worth of music. Let say by the end of the show I was a fan. Tommy was extremely nice, really his whole crew was. The show was non-stop hits and fun. How a guy at his age can run around for an hour+ is amazing. Once their show was over he went and signed autographs for over an hour for his fans that stuck around. We were all having a good time just telling stories and jokes while waiting for him to finish up. The different thing about Tommy is he doesn't like to take connecting flights. Usually the connecting flights when coming into a small town are the small puddle jumpers. He doesn't like those and I can say I don't blame him! So to get here he had gotten in limo in Dallas and drove the 5 hours here. Goodness!! Then they turned around and rode back the next morning. The rest of the crew fly in and out of Lubbock.
We didn't have a show on Sunday so I went to see the movies 'Prisoners' with my friend, Jan. It was a really good movie, dark and had many twists and long! Once the movie was over we were thinking of something else to do....why not the fair! lol We went and did all the things we can't do while we're working. Including being in a hypnotist show! This was Jan's first time and my second. It was the same amazing hypnotist, Ron Diamond that I was in his show at the Iowa State Fair. It was such a great time!
Today started early for me. The band ended up pulling in around 7AM. I usually wouldn't be here until about an hour or so before load in. I knew they would be starting to stir around 10AM. I was right and I've barely sat down since. Taking care of the building, employees and then the band and their needs, it turns out to be a long day. This group was fantastic to work with. They were all friendly and just did their job. The show was a really great show. Lee Brice has so many popular songs. One of those that you forget he's the one that sings them. But watch out, this guy is going to be big! He and his family are complete sweethearts. His little boy was playing by the buses all day. It wasn't until late tonight that the fair's asst manager brought her kids over and they all started playing football. That was more fun than the show! I would go from outside playing football to inside checking on the crowd, clearing aisles and watching the show. What a fun night! The crowd we had was a great one. Very well behaved but still having a good time.
Tomorrow is Tejano night. I'm not familiar with the band but apparently it's the brother of Selena. Should be an interesting day!
We kicked off the fair with Tommy James and the Shondells. Honestly, I wasn't familiar with the band or their music before the show. After is another story. They had hits like Mony Mony, Hanky Panky, I Think We're Alone Now and about 40years worth of music. Let say by the end of the show I was a fan. Tommy was extremely nice, really his whole crew was. The show was non-stop hits and fun. How a guy at his age can run around for an hour+ is amazing. Once their show was over he went and signed autographs for over an hour for his fans that stuck around. We were all having a good time just telling stories and jokes while waiting for him to finish up. The different thing about Tommy is he doesn't like to take connecting flights. Usually the connecting flights when coming into a small town are the small puddle jumpers. He doesn't like those and I can say I don't blame him! So to get here he had gotten in limo in Dallas and drove the 5 hours here. Goodness!! Then they turned around and rode back the next morning. The rest of the crew fly in and out of Lubbock.
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Tommy James and the Shondells |
We didn't have a show on Sunday so I went to see the movies 'Prisoners' with my friend, Jan. It was a really good movie, dark and had many twists and long! Once the movie was over we were thinking of something else to do....why not the fair! lol We went and did all the things we can't do while we're working. Including being in a hypnotist show! This was Jan's first time and my second. It was the same amazing hypnotist, Ron Diamond that I was in his show at the Iowa State Fair. It was such a great time!
Today started early for me. The band ended up pulling in around 7AM. I usually wouldn't be here until about an hour or so before load in. I knew they would be starting to stir around 10AM. I was right and I've barely sat down since. Taking care of the building, employees and then the band and their needs, it turns out to be a long day. This group was fantastic to work with. They were all friendly and just did their job. The show was a really great show. Lee Brice has so many popular songs. One of those that you forget he's the one that sings them. But watch out, this guy is going to be big! He and his family are complete sweethearts. His little boy was playing by the buses all day. It wasn't until late tonight that the fair's asst manager brought her kids over and they all started playing football. That was more fun than the show! I would go from outside playing football to inside checking on the crowd, clearing aisles and watching the show. What a fun night! The crowd we had was a great one. Very well behaved but still having a good time.
Tomorrow is Tejano night. I'm not familiar with the band but apparently it's the brother of Selena. Should be an interesting day!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Parmalee-Kix Brooks
Last day of the fair! It's always bittersweet because we say goodbye to friends but I'm definitely looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tomorrow night. This fair has been the best one yet of the New York State Fair for me. Everyone got along great and things went really smooth for the most part. I really hope to be back next year!
Today we had a pretty easy day. Both bands were here pretty much all day, arriving as early as 7A. Fortunately, I didn't have to be here until 8:30A. We hit the ground running with load in at 9A. Parmalee was our 2PM show. They're a newer band with a hit at #25 this week, Carolina. They were a great band! Extremely entertaining, they've got the look, have the sound. Hopefully we'll get to book them in several places next year. The worst part of the day was dealing with the bus shore power (they had plugged two buses into a power source that couldn't hold two, only one. It ended up blowing the breaker and they all had to go to shore power.) Plus we were dealing with rain all afternoon. The atmosphere was horribly unstable and my phone was blowing up with alerts all day. We were under a thunderstorm warning for most of the afternoon. The little cells ended up splitting and going north for the most part but about 4P a huge cell popped up. It was packed with 60MPH winds, hard rains and lighting. The extreme part did go north of us but didn't spare us from a little wind, tons of rain and some lighting. We ended up having to tell the folks that were saving the front row seats for Kix's show that they HAD to leave the metal bleachers. Amazing! Unbelievably, there was a poor lady sitting in the ADA section in a wheelchair. When we told her she needed to leave, she said that her party had left her there (in a thunderstorm!!) and she couldn't move. I sent the Troopers out to rescue her. Some people!
With the rain we got last night everything was a muddy mess this morning and got even worse with the afternoon storm. The lead singer of Parmalee even tried to help the staff get the forklift out of a mudpit.
Kix Brooks is half of the duo Brooks and Dunn. He's a really great guy and is currently pumping out a good show. They've been here all day just hanging out waiting for their turn to load in and do a show. Sounds like they're going to be out of here quick as well. Yay!! Because of the rain the crowd didn't build as well as we would've hoped. They escaped during the storm but it doesn't seem that anyone wanted to take the chance of another storm. However, all of those that are here are loving the show.
We celebrated one of the staff members birthday's today! Happy Birthday, Jason! :)
Today we had a pretty easy day. Both bands were here pretty much all day, arriving as early as 7A. Fortunately, I didn't have to be here until 8:30A. We hit the ground running with load in at 9A. Parmalee was our 2PM show. They're a newer band with a hit at #25 this week, Carolina. They were a great band! Extremely entertaining, they've got the look, have the sound. Hopefully we'll get to book them in several places next year. The worst part of the day was dealing with the bus shore power (they had plugged two buses into a power source that couldn't hold two, only one. It ended up blowing the breaker and they all had to go to shore power.) Plus we were dealing with rain all afternoon. The atmosphere was horribly unstable and my phone was blowing up with alerts all day. We were under a thunderstorm warning for most of the afternoon. The little cells ended up splitting and going north for the most part but about 4P a huge cell popped up. It was packed with 60MPH winds, hard rains and lighting. The extreme part did go north of us but didn't spare us from a little wind, tons of rain and some lighting. We ended up having to tell the folks that were saving the front row seats for Kix's show that they HAD to leave the metal bleachers. Amazing! Unbelievably, there was a poor lady sitting in the ADA section in a wheelchair. When we told her she needed to leave, she said that her party had left her there (in a thunderstorm!!) and she couldn't move. I sent the Troopers out to rescue her. Some people!
Parmalee |
Kix Brooks is half of the duo Brooks and Dunn. He's a really great guy and is currently pumping out a good show. They've been here all day just hanging out waiting for their turn to load in and do a show. Sounds like they're going to be out of here quick as well. Yay!! Because of the rain the crowd didn't build as well as we would've hoped. They escaped during the storm but it doesn't seem that anyone wanted to take the chance of another storm. However, all of those that are here are loving the show.
Kix Brooks and I |
We celebrated one of the staff members birthday's today! Happy Birthday, Jason! :)
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Dickey Betts-Happy Together Tour 2013
We got started early today with an earlier load in since we didn't have the tv show today. We did have a church service on stage so we ended up loading the first band in, Dickey Betts at 10AM. The entire day has gone by smoothly and actually has been so easy it's boring. :) Dickey Betts did a great show but was disappointed that he could only perform for 60mins. He even made it known from the stage. However, we stick to the 2PM show only being 60mins long because of the restrictions already being tight on time for the evening show. The crowd loved him and they really packed it in for a 2PM show.
The Happy Together Tour 2013 consisted of Gary Lewis and the Playboys, Mark Lindsay of Paul Revere and the Raiders, Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, Chuck Negron of Three Dog Night and The Turtles. The show has ONE band that backs everyone. The lead singers come out and perform about 25mins each leading into the Turtles 40 minutes or so. Do the math and it's a long show!! They are even speeding up the process getting everyone back to the hotel and picking up their bus drivers a half hour early. This is their last date on the tour so they're pushing to get home as well. I will certainly take it. It's another birthday celebration tonight!
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